Wednesday, April 25, 2012

More notes on digital marketing...

I have had quite an amazing 2 days when it comes to social media: 1. Monday, I was ROTD (review of the day) of Yelp 2. Josh Clark re-twetted my post about his talk so like a ton more people visited my blog yesterday. Let's try to keep up that momentum...

Today's post is a re-cap of the rest of the Paramore University event from yesterday.

Our second speaker was David Baker. He brought presents, but it was more like homework because it was a copy of his book! (Review to hopefully follow.)

His job is as a business consultant to marketing firms. His talk yesterday focused mainly on in-house marketing, but I suppose he also works with agencies.

Here are some startling statistics he told us about in-house marketing departments:
  • 61% of marketing departments have less than 10 people
  • 49% of employes work 41-45 hours per week
  • Attrition is low (less than 10%), but when people do leave it is because of a lack of opportunities
Why is an in house department useful?
We know they aren't less expensive that hiring contractors or an agency. However, they are more consistent with the brand. They have, very importantly, a deeper and greater expertise in the business's product or service.

How do you get the most of this expertise?
Find a way to create a greater team environment so they are a part of business discussions. Allow them to say "no" without being seen as unhelpful.

It's all about alignment. If you hired an outside agency, you would be particular about what you asked them to do and how many revisions they made. You would also be more exact with your requests. We all know an agency is costing money. However, the cost structure for an in-house department is different. So they are often asked to complete work that is less meaningful or not worth their time.

One interesting point to note:
David requires that his clients pay him upfront for services so that he can say "no" without fear of non-payment for not agreeing with the client.

It looks like he will be back in the fall with ParamoreU. So good news for people who are struggling with in-house marketing versus agency marketing decisions. Also good for people who want to know about his experience living with Mayan Indians. (Really, read his bio!)

The final speaker was Leslie Camacho, CEO of EllisLab.

"Avoiding the Knowledge Coffin" OR What you need to know when choosing a CMS (content management system)

Leslie says his job is to "translate NERD to help you be more successful." He wants to serve content in a way that makes his customers more successful. He also flew all the way out to Nashville from Portland.

BUZZWORD ALERT: COPE. Which means: Create Once, Publish Everywhere. It's similar to what Josh was saying about building for the web. Here is a good explanation/example that Leslie recommend we all check out from NPR's CMS.

According to Leslie, the #1 mistake people make when choosing a CMS is not understanding who your content helps people succeed.

A lack of customer empathy creates a knowledge coffin so: ask customers, use your own product, and don't skimp on the discovery process.

My biggest takeaway: Don't ask the designers or engineers to create a button, ask them to solve a problem.

His recommended readings:
Hackers and Painters by Paul Graham
The Nerd Handbook by Rands in Repose

Final note, it was my first time at a meeting or event with a graphic recorder! I have always seen the hand that draws during TED talks, but it was pretty cool to see it done in person. A big thank you to Alpha Chimp!

There should be a re-cap on the Paramore website soon that includes the graphics. Once its posted, I will link to it on my blog. So check back.

Adios Marketing Amigos!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Digital Marketing. AKA "What I learned today"

Just sat down from a morning of learning at Paramore University. It's hosted by the lovely folks at Paramore -a digital marketing agency here in Nashville. (There will be another session in the fall so mark your calendars.)

Our first speaker was Josh Clark (@globalmoxie) author of Tapworthy and incredible Power Point designer. Hands down best use of Legos in a business setting.

In short, here are my takeaways on his presentation of "7 Deadly Myths of Mobile." (Yes, deadly. So it's in your best interest to read...)

1. Mobile users are rushed and distracted

Think about all the times you've used your phone during a 3 hour airport layover or when you're too lazy to get to a computer. Personally, I lay in bed in the morning on my phone checking twitter and Facebook, etc.

Customers expect the experience on a mobile device to match the experience of their desktop/laptop.

2. Mobile = Less

Don't confuse context with intent! It's a smaller screen, not a smaller website we want to look at. Because honestly, can you define "a mobile use case" that is different from a "laptop use case" easily?  With the amount of people admitting they checking their phones while in the bathroom, I think not.

3. Complexity is a dirty word.

Complexity is different from complicated. Complexity is also different from dumbed-down. So, don't be afraid to have a lot of content. Think about it as a conversation. People will click more to find out more information. It better be there.

4. Extra taps and clicks are evil.

Unlike the days of yore, there is little waiting time for additional data when you open a new page. With pre-fetched data, this is even less of a concern.

Practice "progressive disclosure." Where a little content at a time is provided to the user.

5. Gotta have a mobile website.

You need to have a website that is mobile compatible, but it doesn't need to be a separate platform from your website. Instead, think about building for the web and not building for different devices.

Content and API run the show. You should build a common back end to serve all the options - mobile, desktop, xbox 360, etc. This is especially true since you don't want to have different content for each device.

6. Mobile is about apps.

An app is not a strategy. Your content is your strategy. So, find content that can fit any platform.

Ex. NFL Network - "Get the NFL. Anytime. Anywhere"

7. CMS and API are for database nerds.

Don't re-purpose the design, instead re-purpose the content.

Ex. The Guardian

And some examples of websites like that have excellent content driven websites:
Boston Globe
The Guardian

Finally, you can view a PDF version of this presentation at 
Be sure to also check in with Paramore for a run-down on today's event as well.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Noob Guide to Marketing

This isn't a real post. More just an update to announce that I'm not dead. Instead, I'm trying to figure out what I should do with my blog now that b-school is nearing a close.

I suppose I could still chat about marketing, but I think I might make this more of a business in general blog. You see, I will starting a real job in July. In my mind, I'll be a very fancy and fashionable consultant, but chances are I'll just be flying around the states looking quite the mess.

Here is an interesting link to check out in the mean time:

Ya know, 'cause I'm always here for all your marketing needs. =)