Sunday, June 16, 2013

Guess Who?

Welcome to the Weekly "Name That Celebrity Voice" Challenge

Here's how it works: Watch the commercial below. Guess the celebrity voice, leave a comment below, win a prize. (Currently I'm thinking a $10 Amazon gift card!) 


Do you think it's worth it for companies to pay for celebrity voices? Do enough people recognize the voice to influence purchasing? Or is it something else a celebrity voice brings? 

Game ends Friday at Midnight PST. Winner will be chosen at random from correct guesses and announced on Saturday. So please check back! 

My social media payers have been answered...

First, yes, I am alive! Hooray.

Second, I found this:

mycleveragency Social Media Perfect Post Infographic
Social Media Perfect Posts Infographic is an infographic that was produced by mycleveragency

And it is awesome because of that last bit about "Optimum Timing for Social Media Posts."

I have been looking for this information FOREVER through social media research, but never something so succinct. (That's the beauty of an infographic.)

Also, stay tuned for a new recurring segment later this week titled: Name That Celebrity Product Endorser